Maven Sales Group Blog

7 Easy To Implement Employee Wellness Tips in 2020

1/29/20 12:08 PM / by Allen Layton

Every year millions of people create new year resolutions as they strive to set out and achieve a range of goals. As 2019 closed out, we wanted to take a look at a few of the ways we can all enjoy a healthier 2020. These seven employee wellness tips just might be the antidote to workplace stress, healthier lives, and a more productive year.

#1. Organize A Walking Group. 

According to the University of Cambridge, a lack of sufficient exercise is directly linked to a higher number of deaths caused by obesity. Unfortunately, obesity is not the only harmful effect of a predominantly sedentary lifestyle. Higher stress levels, reduced motivation, and lower productivity can all be caused when workers sit for prolonged periods of time throughout the day. Fortunately, a walking group is an easy to implement solution that not only has positive physical benefits, but will also boost morale and jump start those creative gears. 

The following tips can help you to organize an office walking group.

  • Pick a day and time in the week that works with everyone's schedule. 
  • Encourage walks during lunchtime to boost participation. 
  • Plan on walking in nature. Whether it is a nearby local park or simply a quite street, nature walks are a great way to reduce stress levels, while simultaneously encouraging positive physical activity. 
  • Set a reoccurring calendar reminder for everyone involved in the walking group. 

Finally, be sure to include everyone. No one should feel excluded, regardless of their fitness level. With this in mind, you can schedule easy, medium, and difficult walks based on the needs of your group. 

#2. Sponsor A Local Farm And Create Healthy Recipes. 

Did you know that 91 percent of people will have multiple snacks throughout the day? Unfortunately, employers typically offer low-quality snacks that are filled with sugar, ultra processed ingredients, and saturated fat. These snacks not only create an increased percentage of energy crashes, but they also derail productivity. The easiest ways to combat this poor snacking epidemic is with a healthy alternative. 

Working with a local farm can give your employees easy access to healthy snack alternatives. You can sponsor local farms, encourage an investment in exchange for nutritious foods, and even see if the local farms can provide your employees with local vegetables. If sponsoring a local farm is a bit out of your wellness budget, then you can start small with a healthy recipe board in your office kitchen. The recipe board should include healthy snacks and recipes for everyone to try. You can spice things up (food pun intended) with a weekly contest for the most delicious and healthiest snacks. Soon your office will be filled with healthy eaters who have the energy they need to perform throughout the day. 

#3. Bring A Bit Of Mother Nature Indoors. 

Did you know that access to nature is one of the easiest ways to relieve stress? Plants and access to nature also increases activity and sociability. Potted plants in offices can even lower blood pressure, boost job satisfaction, and improve the aesthetic of the entire indoor space. In 2020, you can improve office wellness simply by bringing a bit of green indoors. If you are looking for the perfect holiday gift, then you might give your employees succulents for their desks. These small yet mighty plants can be the cheer that your employees need to stay motivated in their 2020 wellness resolutions. 

#4. Encourage Organized Desks. 

Staying organized is an easy way to reduce mental and emotional stressors. It is also one of the easiest wellness strategies that employers can implement. Make 2020 the year that you avoid desk clutter, while simultaneously implementing digital organizational technologies. From daily reminders to alarms, there are countless digital tools that can be used to keep your life organized throughout the year. A few favorites include Evernote, Microsoft OneNote, and Trello. 

#5. Offer Incentives That Encourage Employee Wellness Activities. 

Harvard Business Review recently reported that employees focused on lifestyle changes can greatly reduce the health care cost per person. In fact, when healthy lifestyle changes are adopted, an average health care cost of $1,580 per person can be achieved. With this in mind, you can make 2020 the year that you offer incentives and encourage your employees to achieve their personal wellness goals. 

Popular incentives can include: 

  • Daily meditation classes to promote mental and emotional well-being. 
  • A shared team document where team members can reflect on things that they are grateful to experience each week.
  • Discounted gym memberships and rewards for walking or biking to work. 
  • Free, healthy snacks and reusable water bottles to encourage proper daily hydration.
  • In office yoga mats that can be used during daily meditation or for a quick exercise break. 
  • Teamwork retreats that focus on wellness. 
  • Group activities that move away from "happy hour," in favor of "yoga hour," "running hour," or other activities that promote positive wellness events. 

Don't forget that you can always poll your employees to gain the insights you need to create the right type of wellness incentives. 

#6. Create Stress Reducing Playlists.

Music is a great way to reduce stress, especially during peak seasons. However, not everyone has the same music tastes, which is why you can boost morale and encourage teamwork via stress reducing playlists. Encourage your office to create shareable playlists of their favorite stress reducing music. This strategy is a free way to help your entire team bond throughout the year. It is also a fun way to introduce new team members into your office family. 

#7. Make Vacations A Time To Disconnect. 

While you can't force your employees to take a vacation, you can and should encourage them to disconnect when they are not in the office. A vacation should be a time for employees to step away from work, and yet the majority of people still check their emails, log into business social media accounts, and even crank out a bit of work when they are away from the office. You can help your employees break the latter bad habits by encouraging automated "out of office" emails during vacation periods and assign a team member to cover active accounts. 

Welcome In A Healthier 2020

With the above seven easy to implement employee wellness tips you can welcome in a healthier 2020. No matter what wellness tactics you choose to implement, you can rest easily knowing that the entire Maven Sales Group is here to help you resolve your lead generation, sales development, and sales enablement challenges. A healthier business awaits in 2020, and our team is here to help you achieve all of your business new year resolutions. 

Topics: how to accelerate sales, Maven Sales Group, business success, holidays, resolutions, happy new year, employee wellness

Allen Layton

Written by Allen Layton

Allen Layton is a Sales Development Representative of Maven Sales Group, a HubSpot Sales Partner and sales enablement firm located in the Washington, DC area. Allen has a background in Digital Marketing, Commercial Audiovisual Production, and Business Development. Allen studied Business Management at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and Audio Production at Full Sail University. In his free time, Allen enjoys automotive videography, martial arts, and writing music.

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